Patterns of jaw coarticulatory direction and linguomandibular coordination in VCV sequences
Data on lingual movement, dorsopalatal contact and F2 frequency presented in previous papers of ours (Recasens, 2002; Recasens and Pallarès, 2001; Recasens, Pallarès and Fontdevila, 1997) suggest that the degree of articulatory constraint (DAC) model accounts to a large extent for the extent and direction of tongue dorsum coarticulation in VCV and CC sequences. A goal of this investigation is to verify the predictions of this model with respect to jaw V-to-V effects in VCV sequences using articulatory movement data collected with electromagnetic articulometry (EMA).
How to Cite
Recasens, Daniel. 2002. “Patterns of Jaw Coarticulatory Direction and Linguomandibular Coordination in VCV Sequences”. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 28 (January):83-92.