On competing degree morphemes in verbs of change in Southern Aymara


  • Gabriel Gabriel Martínez Vera




In this paper, I address verbal predicates of change in Southern Aymara, an understudied
Andean language. I concentrate on verbs that are derived with the suffix -cha. This
suffix derives degree achievements and creation predicates. I propose that they should be analyzed
uniformly as degree achievements. The main empirical point of this paper is that there
are two degree morphemes that combine with verbs with -cha, namely, a covert positive morpheme
v.POS and an overt suffix -su. The latter is a degree morpheme that restricts the standard
of comparison to lexical or contextual maximal degrees. I propose an analysis in terms of Maximize
Presupposition: v.POS and -su constitute lexical alternatives where the latter is preferred
over the former when maximal values are reached. v.POS is thus felicitous when no maximum
is reached. The discussion bears on how telicity is achieved cross-linguistically when degree
achievements are considered, thus enriching our typologies on the topic.
Keywords: degree achievement, creation predicate, telicity, Maximize Presupposition, Aymara.





Gabriel Martínez Vera, Gabriel. 2018. „On Competing Degree Morphemes in Verbs of Change in Southern Aymara“. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 61 (Januar):125-42. https://doi.org/10.21248/zaspil.61.2018.488.