Einfluss von Tempus und Aspekt auf die Wahl der Verbformen in schriftlichen Texten russischsprachiger Deutschlerner


  • Irina Mikhaylina




This article investigates the influence of tense and aspect on the choice of verb forms in texts written by Russian-speaking learners of German. Through eight written narrations, each produced by advanced learners of German with L1-Russian and German native speakers, the use of verb forms and relevant linguistic means (perfect markers, temporal adverbs and temporal clauses) was compared and analysed. The study shows that even very advanced Russian-speaking learners of German could not meet target language preferences in German. They tended to deploy a different temporal perspective than German native speakers (simple past instead of present tense) and they also showed an overuse of the perfect tense, especially when describing completed actions. These differences compared to the preferences of German native speakers can be explained as transfer effects from the L1 of Russian-speaking learners since – unlike in German – the grammatical aspect in Russian is obligatory and its perfective form offers an effective tool to express completeness.






Mikhaylina, Irina. 2019. „Einfluss Von Tempus Und Aspekt Auf Die Wahl Der Verbformen in Schriftlichen Texten Russischsprachiger Deutschlerner“. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 62 (September):32-51. https://doi.org/10.21248/zaspil.62.2019.442.