A unified semantic analysis of floated and binominal "each"


  • Mana Kobuchi-Philip




This paper discusses a semantic analysis of three syntactic types of English each, namely, floated each, binominal each, and prenominal each. It is argued that floated each consists of two parts, a quantifier and an inaudible element which functions as its restrictor, which together form a tripartite quantificational structure when they compose with the predicate. Binominal each and an associated NP such as two topics (which is generally called the 'distributive share') are syntactically analyzed as forming a subject-predicate relation within a DP in which the NP undergoes so-called 'predicate inversion'. Semantically, binominal each is analyzed as having the same semantic value as floated each, while prenominal each is shown to have a different logical type from floated and binominal each. As can be seen from analogous constructions in some Romance languages, it does not lexically contain its restrictor.






Kobuchi-Philip, Mana. 2006. „A Unified Semantic Analysis of Floated and Binominal ‚each‘“. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 44 (1):183-97. https://doi.org/10.21248/zaspil.44.2006.309.