On the correlative nature of Hungarian left-peripheral relatives


  • Anikó Lipták




This paper takes a close look at the properties of Hungarian relative clauses that occur in the left periphery of the main clause, preceding a (pro)nominal associate. It will be shown that these left-peripheral relative clauses differ in many ways from relative clauses dislocated on the right periphery, as well as from relative clauses embedded under a (pro)nominal head. To capture the precise syntax of these left-peripheral clauses, these will be compared to ordinary left-dislocated items, with which they have some properties in common. Despite the surface similarities between the two, however, there are a few decisive aspects of behaviour, most notably, distributional properties and connectivity effects, which argue against taking left-peripheral relatives as cases of clausal left-dislocates in Hungarian. Instead, one is led to consider these as correlative clauses, on the basis of the properties they share with well-established correlatives in languages like Hindi.






Lipták, Anikó. 2004. „On the Correlative Nature of Hungarian Left-Peripheral Relatives“. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 35 (2):287-313. https://doi.org/10.21248/zaspil.35.2004.231.